
Affichage des messages du septembre, 2020

Atonement and the Death of Christ: An Exegetical, Historical, and Philosophical Exploration by William Lane Craig

  ‘‘Atonement and the Death of Christ: An Exegetical, Historical and Philosophical Exploration’’ is the result of years of study for William Lane Craig on the subject of the atonement. Cambridge University published in 2018 a shorter treatment (106 pages) by William Lane Craig on this subject called ‘‘The Atonement’’. ‘‘Atonement and the Death of Christ’’ is the more detailed treatment. The book is divided in three sections: 1) Biblical data concerning the atonement, 2) Dogmatic history of the doctrine of the atonement and 3) Philosophical reflections on the doctrine of the atonement. In the first section, Craig deals with biblical texts related to the subject of the atonement. In chapter 1, he submits that the works of Christian philosophers on the subject have been ‘‘largely uninformed by biblical exegesis’’ and ‘‘because the biblical data concerning the atonement are so often neglected by Christian philosophers, it is imperative that we begin our investigation with a survey of...